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Building Works

Lana de Kort, CNH Manager

In February, Clunes Neighbourhood House moved into the Clunes Former Free Library. Our move coincided with the completion of a series of building condition, access and compliance reports designed to help inform future restoration works.

The Hard Work of Others

Funding for this work (just the latest in a series of smart decisions made by people protecting this building) was secured by Graeme Johnstone, Phil Taig and Denise Fordham (the then committee for the building) through the Hugh D.T Williamson Foundation.

With these reports; as well as engineering reports completed over the last decade; Clunes Neighbourhood House has been well placed to work with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) to begin safety works to restore the entrance and meeting rooms.

Operating from BOOM Temporarily

These works are underway and for the next 6 weeks Clunes Neighbourhood House (normally open Tuesday - Thursday at the Free Lending Library building) will be moving its flags down to BOOM Clunes to avoid balancing on joists, the sound of tools and the smell of paint 😆.

This means that BOOM Clunes shop will be open until the June long-weekend, 7 days a week from 10am - 3pm. Note that staff on Wednesday and Thursday will be available to assist with the Power Saving Bonus - which we know (and hope!) many of you are accessing currently.

The Vision for Each Step Along the Way

Meanwhile, check out these concept boards showing the different ways we’ve all imagined spaces might be used at Clunes Neighbourhood House once the Clunes Former Free Lending Library building is restored.

Author: Lana de Kort

Supported by the Hugh D.T. Williamson Foundation, and DEECA. Made possible by the hardwork of those who've cared for this building since its inception.

Clunes Neighbourhood House

It takes a village... This website is brought to you by our CNH volunteers.

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