Clunes has always been a community with high volunteering rates.  Like many small towns, Clunes has diverse socio-economic needs and volunteering has been a way for people to connect, belong, gain skills and ultimately, make a difference. Clunes Neighbourhood House Inc (CNH) is an incorporated, not-for-profit association managed by a community Committee of Management (COM). It provides opportunities for lifelong learning, community engagement and supports initiatives for residents of Clunes and surrounding districts. One way to learn and grow is to become a volunteer.
Make a difference
The magic lies in the relationship that is formed to ensure that each volunteer and the organisation find mutual benefit. For many, if this is formed well, it marks a relationship that can extend for years.
Volunteer Positions
Check out our volunteer positions here by clicking the image or text to access a position description for that role. If the position you're interested in is already filled, there may still be opportunities for you to volunteer in a similar capacity.
Thank you for your interest in being (or continuing to be) a Clunes Neighbourhood House Volunteer. Please watch the videos provided as part of your annual induction.  Click the title above to begin registering or renewing your registration. We would also appreciate your additional registration here.
Clunes Neighbourhood House collects personal information in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1998, to provide and administer our programs and services. Information about the storage and use of your information is available in Policy 5.2 - Privacy Policy. 
If you have any questions about any aspect of this, including access to your private information, please email our Manager at manager@clunesnh.org.
The main Registration Form is below. Please allow up to 30 MINUTES to complete this form.
A Working with Children Card (if you haven't got one, you can apply for it at www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au).  If you need help doing this, let us know.
Details of one Referee (name and phone number) who we can contact about you.
As a volunteer, Clunes Neighbourhood House asks that you...
Support the Clunes Neighbourhood House's mission, vision and values.
Participate in all relevant induction and training programs as required.
Only undertake duties you are authorised to perform; always operate under the direction and supervision of nominated staff; and obey reasonable directions and instructions.
Comply with the organisation's policies and procedures (such as: equal opportunity, health and safety, privacy and confidentiality policies, and grievances policy).
Notify your supervisor or the Manager of any Health and Safety issues or potentially hazardous situations that may pose a risk to you or others and report any accidents or incidents relating to staff, volunteers, or the workplace.
Behave appropriately and courteously to all members, staff, customers and the public.
Use property or equipment given to you in your roles safely and only for the purpose of the role and return it to the organisation when you finish your volunteer role.
Let us know if you wish to change the nature of your contribution (e.g.: hours, role) with the Clunes Neighbourhood House at any time.
Let us know immediately if there is anything, or if anything arises, that makes you unsuitable or unable to legally carry out your volunteer role (e.g.: your role requires you to drive and you lose your licence).
Always comply with the law.
Be open and honest in your dealings with us and let us know if we can improve our volunteer program and the support that you receive.
Please also note, we take photos of events and activities, and this means your image might be taken and used in promotional material. When you register, you will be asked to acknowledge and agree to this.
Health & Safety
​At Clunes Neighbourhood House, volunteer safety and the safety of everyone involved in our organisation is a priority. In Victoria, the OHS Act 2004 (VIC) applies. There may also be other legal actions (such as negligence claims) that mean we always need to consider workplace health and safety issues. Under the OHS Act and other laws, Clunes Neighbourhood House has a duty of care to minimise risks to everyone affected by its conduct (including members, paid employees and volunteers). It also means that as a volunteer, you may have OHS duties too, and these include:
To take reasonable care of your own health and safety.
To take reasonable care of the health and safety of others.
To comply with any reasonable instruction as directed by Clunes Neighbourhood House.
To let Clunes Neighbourhood House know of any concerns you may have about safety and/or fitness in undertaking your role.
To cooperate with any reasonable policies and procedures of Clunes Neighbourhood House.
We will provide you with full inductions, safety equipment and training for your roles when you commence as a volunteer with our organisation. However, please do not hesitate to talk to your contact person anytime if you have any health and safety concerns.
We are committed to providing adequate insurance cover for volunteers whilst carrying out volunteering roles approved and authorised by us. Clunes Neighbourhood House is covered by Public Indemnity. To ensure this insurance covers you for any incidents that occur while you are volunteering with us, you need to:
Sign in and out each time you volunteer.
Report an incident as soon as it has occurred (detailing the date/time of the incident and who was involved or witnessed the incident).
We want to let you know that the following events are unlikely to be covered by our insurance:
Actions that are beyond the scope of your volunteer roles or that occur without appropriate authority or permission from us.
Criminal activity (including criminal charges arising out of driving incidents).
Dishonest or reckless activities.
The role we play...
All Clunes Neighbourhood House management, staff, volunteers and contractors must abide by a Child Safety Code of Conduct. This means that no person shall:
Shame, humiliate, oppress, belittle or degrade children or young people.
Unlawfully discriminate against any child.
Engage in any activity with a child or young person or do things of a personal nature for them that they can do for themselves.
Initiate unnecessary physical contact with a child or young person or do things of a personal nature for them that they can do for themselves.
Be alone with a child or young person unnecessarily and for more than a very short time.
Develop a 'special' relationship with a specific child or young person for their own needs.
Show favouritism through the provision of gifts or inappropriate attention.
Arrange contact, including online contact, with children or young people outside of our organisation's programs and activities without the consent of the child and their parents/guardians.
Photograph or video a child or young person without the consent of the child and their parents/guardians.
Work with children or young people while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.